meet our team

Untethered Technologies is a diverse team of developers and designers who focus on training clients to unlock the potential of interactive technologies so that they can have fun and deliver powerful messages in digital and virtual spaces.

Jessica Hawryluk

Managing Director
“Jessica isn’t afraid to think outside of the box, she is a motivated individual and mother to four wonderful children who is inspired by technologies that bring her passions to life.”

Su Spotted Bull

Project Manager
“Su is like a book, expect the unexpected. Su is a mother to three children, she enjoys creating indigenous beadwork and regalia on her down time, as well as spending time with her family.”

Robert Wong Tek Kong

“There are two forms of happiness for Robert, when he is hustle dancing and when he is hustling hard. Constantly fighting bugs of the virtual species, he is a professional typer... of code.”

Gene Cabarroguis

Multimedia Designer
“Gene is a multifaceted artist who also happens to know how to bend physics with his dance.”

Kalia Hameiri

Multimedia Creator
“Kalia is a multimedia artist with a passion for computer animation, visual design, illustration, and mixed reality. She loves to learn new things and get inspired by the world around her.”

Isabella Borromeo

3D Generalist
"Isabella Borromeo is a 3D generalist and illustrator driven to create pretty things. She is eager for memorable experiences, which includes seeing her creations displayed for the world to see and interact with."

our team


Our developers are out of this world with their ability to make digital spaces reality. These professionally trained team members specialize in creating our programs and coding in your interactions and visuals to make your content come to life.


UT digital artists, animators, and content creators are responsible for our state of the art visuals. These talented individuals generate beautiful and engaging imagery that creates a masterful fusion of art and education.


The UT project managers are what you would consider your number one supporters. These skillfully engaging leaders will keep you involved in each major decision, and represent themselves based on your goals and main objectives.
Let's work
Let's work